Your Data is More At Risk During The Holiday Season in The Fraser Valley

Holidays are a time of joy and celebration for most, but for hackers and cybercriminals, they present a unique opportunity. As a small IT company in Abbotsford, BC, dedicated to providing IT services and tech support, we want to shed light on why your data is at greater risk during the holiday season.

Unmasking the Cyber Grinch

Hackers and cybercriminals view holidays with a different lens, and it's not because they enjoy festivities. Instead, they see holidays as a potentially easier payday. US authorities, including the FBI and CISA (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Agency), have issued warnings regarding a concerning trend. They've observed a connection between the holiday season and a surge in serious cyberattack attempts.

In 2021, serious attacks coincided with holidays such as Mother's Day, Memorial Day, and Independence Day. While the timing seemed to revolve around US holidays, these attacks occurred in multiple countries. The reason is quite straightforward: people are often distracted during holidays. Their thoughts are elsewhere, and many offices are either empty or operating with skeleton crews. Companies may let down their guard, inadvertently becoming more vulnerable to cyberattacks.

'Tis the Season for Cyber Threats

As we enter the holiday season, cyber threats become even more prominent. The Cyber Grinch is expected to make an appearance, targeting businesses worldwide. Beyond the digital realm, there is also a surge in "traditional" theft, including burglaries, theft, and vehicle break-ins during this festive period.

So, what proactive steps can you take to protect your business data during this holiday season? Here are some key suggestions:

  1. Disaster Response Plan: Ensure your organization has a robust disaster response plan in place, and make sure everyone within the company is familiar with it.

  2. Staff Training: Train your staff to be extra vigilant when it comes to opening potentially dangerous links or attachments.

  3. Software Updates: Regularly update and patch all software and operating systems to address vulnerabilities.

  4. Anti-Virus Software: Implement reliable anti-virus software and perform regular scans to detect and remove potential threats.

  5. Password Security: Enforce the use of strong passwords and multi-factor authentication to enhance login security.

  6. Device Security: Avoid leaving devices unattended in vehicles, as smartphones and electronics are highly sought-after targets for theft. If necessary, never leave valuables in plain view within your vehicle.

  7. Offline Data Backups: Creating offline backups of your data is a smart practice that every company should adopt. It's not only the most cost-effective way to recover from a ransomware attack but also offers peace of mind.

If you're a business in the BC Fraser Valley seeking comprehensive cybersecurity solutions, we're here to help. Contact us to fortify your defenses and ensure your data remains secure during the holiday season and beyond.


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